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My New Name

I got a life changing piece of mail today. It was a social security card with my new name blazoned across the front. Geraldine Marie Buckley Ellrod. My now official name. 
(Although for storytelling and other professional purposes I will still be Geraldine Buckley. It is hard for a long-established leopard to change its spots...)
I went to the Social Security office last Friday with a notarized copy of my wedding licence, dated November 12th 2022. A long conversation ensued. What do you want your new name to be? said the wonderfully chatty clerk. She was fascinated by the fact that this was my first marriage. 
She told me she was fifty and single. 
I gave her fresh hope.
"Do you want to drop the Marie? Do you want Buckley to be your middle name?  We don't really count those so you would in effect be Geraldine Ellrod? Or do you want to hyphenate your last name and be Geraldine Marie Buckley-Ellrod?
Or do you want your last name to be two words Buckley Ellrod, and keep Marie as your middle name? 
"Whatever you decide now will be permanent," she said. "If you want to change it you will have to go to the court house."
Such decisions!
I am incredibly proud of being married to Rick Ellrod, officially known as Frederick Ellrod lll. I love that man. I am delighted to be married to him, and I wanted to take his name. 
However pride got the best of me. A few of my British friends have received the incredible honor of having bestowed upon them the much respected title, Member  of the British Empire. Known as an MBE. It is given to British subjects who have distinguished themselves in their field, and by doing so have made a great impact on the British, and indeed worldwide, public. 
To receive an MBE you get dressed up in your most elevated finery and go off to Buckingham Palace to be presented with the much-sought after medal by a member of the working Royal Family. Alas no longer by our late and glorious Queen. 
I realized that by being Geraldine Buckley Ellrod I would be Geraldine MBE. Most likely the only way I would receive that honor. 
Which explains the name that is now on the social security card that arrived today.


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